Friday, May 9, 2008


Sorry it has taken me so long to write for those who have been checking. The flight here was definitely tiring and many of us did not sleep for almost 3 days and what little sleep we managed to get was about 4-6 hours in that. We have done a little sight seeing thus far and have started to set up our schedual for our remaining time. I did not experience the culture shock I thought I would, it is more Westernized here and in Tokyo their is more English than I expected. I am sorry to cut this blog short, I will write more tomorrow as we have our first day working with one of our contacts in the homeless aspect of our trip. Thanks again to everyone helping me get to Japan with your donations and support! Love you all!

1 comment:

Michael said...

It looks like an intense and charater building experience. Take Care & Be Safe.

Love Dad